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Traffic shapping

We want to share our fiber internet connection with another company in the same building.
It is not possible to use the router from our provider and we cannot change the device.

We want to use a Fortigate product to limit the bandwith on a certain port.
The limitation cannot be done with QoS oder IP, it has to be a limitation per port.

Is any product available for this case?

We want to monitor the internet access of the other company, to have an overview of which internet services they use. This is a nice to have thing.

Don't worry about the security part and the terms of use, this is already sorted.

Thanks for any suggestions.



Hello Dominic,

The FortiGate platform allows a lot of traffic shaping and QoS possibilities. For an extensive explaination please check our documentation:

I advise you to specifically look at the outbandwidth and inbandwidth parameters that can be configured on an interface. Please be aware that depending on the hardware model, there might be limitations to what you can achieve with this. Having said that there are also alternative ways to go about this with a traffic shaping policy for example.

I would recommend getting in touch with one of our local partners where you reside and discuss your needs with them. If neccesary they can involve the right resources within Fortinet to answer your questions. You can find your local partners at


Hi Dennis

Thank your for your information and advice. Sounds good.
My basic question is answered and I will contact a Fortinet Partner to get the advanced information we need.

Best regards


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