Here's a list of fields I found useful and can be added to the default FWB parser:
<!-- NewFields -->
<attrKeyMap attr=" subtype" key="sub_type"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="action" key="action"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="signature_subclass" key="signature_subclass"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="vulnCVEId" key="signature_cve_id"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="poolName" key="server_pool_name"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="user" key="user_name"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="httpReferrer" key="http_refer"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="httpVersion" key="http_version"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="device" key="dev_id"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="threatScore" key="threat_weight"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="historyThreatWeight" key="history_threat_weight"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="ftpMode" key="ftp_mode"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="ftpCmd" key="ftp_cmd"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="owaspTop10" key="owasp_top10"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="attackInfo" key="matched_pattern"/>
<attrKeyMap attr="botinfo" key="bot_info"/>
Henry Hernandez | 
Regional Consulting Security Engineer| Enhanced Technologies - ATP |
North America East, MSSP, & Federal
FORTINET- Fast. Secure. Global.
E: | T: +1.305.725.5237
NSE Certified: Level 7

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Original Message:
Sent: 10/13/2020 5:55:00 AM
From: Hugo
Subject: RE: Fortiweb Parser v2
Hi Daniel,
Yes, we have added this eventattributes to be recognized:
attrKeyMap attr="resourcePool" key="server_pool_name"
attrKeyMap attr="user" key="user_name"
attrKeyMap attr="httpReferrer" key="http_refer"
attrKeyMap attr="httpVersion" key="http_version"
attrKeyMap attr="signatureSubclass" key="signature_subclass"
The HttpReferrer gives some information that URI Steam don't the raw:
<189>date=2020-10-07 time=14:49:23 log_id=30000000 msg_id=004530004486 device_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx vd="root" timezone="(GMT)Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin,Edinburgh,Lisbon,London" type=traffic subtype="http" pri=notice proto=tcp service=https status=success reason=none policy=xxxxxxxxxxxx src=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx src_port=52989 dst=xxxxxxxxxxxx dst_port=443 http_request_time=0 http_response_time=0 http_request_bytes=1690 http_response_bytes=51670 http_method=get http_url="/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/login" http_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Safari/537.36" http_retcode=200 msg="HTTPS get request from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :52989 to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :443" srccountry="Portugal" content_switch_name="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " server_pool_name="xxxxxxxxxx"http_host="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" user_name="Unknown" http_refer="https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/transactions" http_version="1.x"
The URI Steam gives: http_url="/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/login" but a more detailed message on http refer:
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 13, 2020 02:08 AM
From: Daniel Hanman
Subject: Fortiweb Parser v2
Thanks Hugo.
Have you got details on what you changed and a sample event? I can then look to add this into FortiSIEM.
Thanks again.
FortiSIEM Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 08, 2020 08:33 AM
From: Hugo Pinto
Subject: Fortiweb Parser v2
I share some improvements that we have made on the parser for fortiweb.
Hugo Pinto