Description This article describes how to create a CLI Template and
Pre-Run CLI Template using JSON API. Scope FortiManager, JSON-API.
Solution A CLI Template can be created using API request below: {
"method": "add", "params": [ { "data": [ { "descr<!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- -->...
Description This article describes how to check installation log in
FortiManager after config or a policy install. Scope FortiManager.
Solution The installing log in FortiManager can be viewed using below
methods: During install. From Revision Histor<!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- -->...
Description This article describes how to use fqdn as a local ID for
tunnels in VPN Manager. Scope FortiManager, VPN Manager, FortiGate.
Solution In VPN Community settings local id type can be set to use fqdn:
VPN Manager -> Select the VPN Community <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- -->...
Description This article describes how to add SSIDs (vap) in AP Manager
using JSON API. Scope FortiManager, AP Manager, JSON-API. Solution The
SSID(s) in AP Manager can be created using the below API request (with
dynamic mapping): { "method": "add",<!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- -->...
Description The article describes how to fix the issue where SSID in AP
Manager shows as Fortinet Factory Default and does not allow to create
per-device mapping. Scope FortiManager, AP Manager. Solution In AP
Manager of FortiManager the custom SSIDs...
The TCL script cannot be used to show or get the config, it can only
make changes on the ADOM DB. I would suggest to explore the FMG APIs for
this or use the 'exe fmpolicy print-adom-package ?' on FMG CLI.
FortiManager does not have the ability to send emails from the TCL
script. You can reach out to your Fortinet Sales rep. to raise a feature
request for this.
FortiManager does not have the ability to send emails from the TCL
script. You can reach out to your Fortinet Sales rep. to raise a feature
request for this.
1. Make sure the password for the regular bind is correct2. Create an
admin user using the LDAP, then run the debugs:dia de app auth 255dia de
en Try logging in to FAZ, this will show some more information if login
is failing due to invalid credentia...