Description This article shows the high-level traffic workflow used for
External Captive Portal authentication on a FortiAP managed by FortiGate
setup. Scope FortiGate, FortiAP. Solution Workflow: Steps: The endpoint
will associate with AP but since ...
Description This article describes an example of WAD Debug for a Virtual
Server (HTTP Host Load Balancing). Scope FortiGate and FortiProxy.
Solution Diagram: WAD Debug: First, it is necessary to collect the debug
logs and check which process is handl...
Description This article describes an example of a WAD Debug for a VIP
with Deep Inspection. Scope FortiGate and FortiProxy. Solution Diagram:
WAD Debug: First, collect the debug logs and check which process is
handling the traffic hitting the firewa...
Description This article describes the Traffic Shaping behavior in
different platforms Scope FortiGate. Solution NP6/NP6Lite/NP6xLite: The
TPE Shaper implemented in NP6, NP6Lite, and NP6xLite ASICs functions
primarily as a police rather than a tradit...
Description This article describes how to fix an issue where FortiWiFi
does not immediaetly broadcast the SSID while using the 5GHz Band. Scope
FortiWiFi. Solution According to ITU Resolution 229, there is a need to
protect services using 5150-5350 M...
@RolandBaumgaertner72, I will need your routing table (get router info
routing-table all), I will need to check your IPSec Phase 2 selectors,
and your IPSec interface config. You can send by PM if you do not want
to expose your config.
Hey, @RolandBaumgaertner72, can you please add "4 0 l" to the packet
capture commands, and provide the output? Can you please provide the
output of the relevant "diag flow" command