Description This article describes the users failing to connect to
SSL-VPN with the error 'fnbam_auth_update_result return: 11 (too may
login attempts)'. Scope FortiGate v7.x. Solution A local user without
MFA cannot connect to an SSL VPN. The SSL VP...
Description This article describes how the traffic flow is affected in
Central-SNAT after the upgrade to v7.6.1. Scope FortiGate v7.6.1 and
above. Solution Starting from FortiGate v7.6.1, Central SNAT policies
support SD-WAN zone as interface and do ...
Description This article describes how to configure FortiProxy as a DHCP
Server. Scope FortiProxy. Solution FortiProxy does not have an option to
configure the DHCP Server from GUI. It has to be done from CLI as shown
Description This article explains how to deploy the VPN configuration in
the free version of FortiClient. Scope Fee version of FortiClient v7.x
(Windows). Solution Configure SSL-VPN or IPSec on one endpoint. The
registry has the critical information ...
Description This article describes how to change the default validity of
FortiToken Mobile Activation Code. Scope FortiGate Solution The default
validity of FortiToken Mobile Activation code is 72 hours (3 days). This
can be decreased/increased under...
Hello Martin, The DNS traffic from> is
allowed by firewall policy: 30 and in the deugs we see reply packet from
the DNS server too. received a packet(proto=17,> tun_id= from ...
Hello, web filter and application control profiles should be enabled on
the internet policy to see the event logs.
Hello luca1994, The wildcard FQDN is updated when a DNS query is made
from a host connected to FortiGate (DNS traffic passing through a
FortiGate).If the query matches the wildcard FQDN, the IP address is
added to the cache for that object on the For...
Hello yomaldyw, The image you are using is FFW_VM64_xx license file.
This is for FortiFirewall, FortiFirewall prioritizes throughput and
these units do not have any UTM features. It is mostly used by ISPs or
Telecommunications customers to utilize th...