Description This article describes that the HA is out of sync due to Scope FortiGate. Solution By comparing the system
storage on both clusters, the following output was observed: Go under
FortiGate -> System -> HA. When hovering over...
Description This article describes how to check unused Object in
FortiOS. Scope FortiGate. Solution Unlike FortiManager which supports
the function of Find unused objects: FortiGate does not and it is not
possible to search for unused object via CL...
Description This article describes an issue when using a local-in policy
to block a certain region address but not working as expected. Scope
FortiGate. Solution Refer to the local-in policy configure below ;
config firewall local-in-policy edit 1 se...
Description This article describes which destination addresses and
services need to be allowed on Upstream devices. Scope Fortigate,
Fortitoken, 2FA Solution Suppose there is a downstream FortiGate which
having limited connectivity to the internet bu...
Description This article describes the issue when SSL VPN configuration
is set to ban all cipher. Scope FortiGate. Solution Run the SSL VPN
debug using the following command: diag debug resetdiag debug app sslvpn
-1diag debug enable The following out...
Hi @despi Thank you for contacting Fortinet Support Forum. Based on the
output $ dollar sign, did you have permission to enable this feature? I
would suggest you to check on administrator profile. Regards Alwis
Hi @kenschae Thank you for contacting Fortinet Support Forum. If i
understand correctly your query. For RDP you will use SSLVPN to your
server and you have Virtual IP and a policy to point to your NGINX Proxy
Manager. Did your VIP object is Port Forw...
Hi @Fluppy Seems the phase2 negotiation failed after rekey 3600 expired.
Could you please try to turn off your PFS [Phase 2 setting]on fortigate
side. Based on screenshot i believe it was not enable on Strong Swan .
Regards Alwis
Dear @abbio90 If you set your subnet to be /32 on the interface, i don't
think its possible to create a static route on fortigate since it was
/32 and the only available ip is the only since it was /32.
Further more the ip set on interface an...
Hi @zainnykaz I believed your issue are related to Administrative
Distance [AD], since your 2 of your ISP are using DHCP and it will use
AD of 5. Since you have 3rd ISP and its static, by default fortigate
will create AD of 10, you just need to chang...