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New Contributor II

fortigate 200e np6lite "get hardware npu ?" missing np6 running 5.4.4

(global) # get hardware status
Model name: FortiGate-200E
ASIC version: CP9
CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz
Number of CPUs: 2
RAM: 3963 MB
Compact Flash: 15331 MB /dev/sda
Hard disk: not available
USB Flash: not available
Network Card chipset: Intel(R) Gigabit Ethernet Network Driver (rev.0003)
Network Card chipset: FortiASIC NP6LITE Adapter (rev.)



Where is np6lite??

(global) # get hardware npu 
legacy legacy
np1 np1
np2 np2
np4 np4


Also documentation for hardware acceleration in the picture shows ports 1-8 but the above text says 1-6

New Contributor II

just upgraded to 5.4.5 and still don't see np6lite

Valued Contributor



seems like the "get hardware npu" command was not adapted already....


The diag commands work:

BORDER_200E (global) # diagnose npu np6lite port-list Chip   XAUI Ports            Max   Cross-chip                              Speed offloading ------ ---- -------          ----- ---------- np6lite_0        2    port9            1000M          NO        1    port10           1000M          NO        4    port11           1000M          NO        3    port12           1000M          NO        6    port13           1000M          NO        5    port14           1000M          NO        9    port15           1000M          NO        10   port16           1000M          NO        8    port17           1000M          NO        7    port18           1000M          NO np6lite_1        2    wan1             1000M          NO        1    wan2             1000M          NO        4    port1            1000M          NO        3    port2            1000M          NO        6    port3            1000M          NO        5    port4            1000M          NO        8    port5            1000M          NO        7    port6            1000M          NO        10   port7            1000M          NO        9    port8            1000M          NO


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