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Thoughts on Fortigate

Actually we have a 1 GB ftto serving 80+ users ( 80 pc and around 50 Poe devices like phones etc...) with a Fortigate 60e as FW / DHCP. We'll moving to a Ftto 2 GB soon and expecting to be around 100 users by the end of the year. Maybe it's time to upgrade the FW. I had an offer for a Fortigate 200f. Seems a bit overkill imho but maybe I m wrong? Need something to be future proof for the next 5 years. All tips welcomed!

router login 192.168.l.l



Sizing rather depends on amount of traffic and use cases (UTM, SSL VPN, etc.) than number of users. FortiGate firewall throughput is up to 3 GB, however in different environments performance may be different. And 2 GB link is not far from 3 GB. Moreover, if you consider to use UTM or SSL VPN extensively in future, bigger unit will be required. You may consider to check performance datasheet: (FortiGate 200F performance datasheet)


Considering your upcoming expansion to a 2 GB FTTO, expected growth in users, and desire for a solution that is future-proof for the next 5 years, it's a prudent decision to consider an upgrade.

The FortiGate 200F is a robust choice that provides headroom for growth. While it might seem overkill for your current setup, these factors justify considering the 200F:

  1. Headroom for Growth: While you're expecting to reach 100 users by the end of the year, over a 5-year span, there could be even more significant growth. The 200F ensures you won't outgrow your firewall in the near term.

  2. Feature Expansion: If you decide to implement additional security services or features in the future, higher-end models can handle the added load without significant degradation in performance.

  3. Resiliency and Redundancy: Higher-end models often come with added benefits in terms of redundancy, ensuring better uptime and reliability.

  4. Future Network Upgrades: If there's any possibility of further increasing the bandwidth or adding more sites/branches, the 200F would be better suited to handle that compared to smaller models.

While the initial investment might be higher, the longer-term benefits in terms of performance, security, and not having to upgrade again soon can justify the cost. Ensure, however, that it aligns with your budgetary constraints and overall IT strategy.

Siddhanth Poojary
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