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Internet Services database



bit of a noob...I am wondering about the Internet Services database..what is the general practice with this?


I recently installed a 60F and engaged a colleague to help me setup the firewall policies and he decided to basically look up Microsoft and BitDefender websites, etc for what ip address and urls to allow..while this is sensible I have noticed that there is an Internet database services that also lists all these services for Microsoft and Bitdefender and others...what is the general opinion about this? I raised it with my colleague and he said I was not as safe because someone could get to those lists and then I was compromised..I understand the logic but realistically how valid is this? I am finding that I am having to keep adding addresses to get certain sites to work properly because either the documentation is out of date or the url was missing from the doco...having Fortinet keep this up-to-date would be a big convenience but what is the general practice here? what do most sys admins do? unlock as urls are needed or use the Internet Services database? 


That is exactly the use case for ISDB - to ease management of CDN/multi-server destinations and make it more secure. 10 years ago, it was possible to manage all the IP addresses of Facebook/Gmail/etc manually (hey, I did it :) ) but today it is a recipe for failure. 

Regarding your friend opinion - who do you think has access to more volume and quality information, your friend or FortiGuard labs, employing 215 analysts, gathering 100 billion security events every day and having 200 partnership agreements with other security players?  :) The answer is obvious.


I do use ISDB extensively with our clients.




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