Dear All,
We already try fortimail, we have question about fortimail feature, anyone have experience for this :
1. Can we modify what fortiguard do with deep header analysis, what is the confidence degree, can we know under what method fortiguard give this value.
2. If we using DNSBL, there is valid email from yahoo that being block, can we still use DNSBL, but fortiguard can detect valid email even the ip address of yahoo server is in DNSBL (without create any whitelist for yahoo domain, or personal yahoo account)
3. User valid email is being blocked because of hash check method, it is identified as spam, can we disable this feature? or are there any execption?
4. Can we change the method of fortimail policy checking, what user want is email receive is not block directly by one scanning method, instead of go trough another scanning which will increase the score. For now is when email being check to DNSBL and the ip address is listed, the email is give action reject or quarantine, we cannot set to go to another checking.
5. For trial license is it true that will cause a lot of false positive compare to full license?
Please advice. Thank you for your help.