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Fortigate Replacement Messages do not have images


on my computers when Fortigate deny access on webpage and display message, this message have only text. When I see the same message on Fortigate configuration, I see that this message have also images and background. How could I fix this?

New Contributor

what I found, images on replacement messages do not appear when using chrome and microsoft edge, when use Firefox then replacement message is shown correctly. 

Here is how look replacement message, on chrome and edge:

New Contributor III

Tutek wrote:

what I found, images on replacement messages do not appear when using chrome and microsoft edge, when use Firefox then replacement message is shown correctly. 

Here is how look replacement message, on chrome and edge:



The replacement messages are in HTML, 

You may need to update your browser What is the version of you fortigate ?

New Contributor

Hi, we have same problem here. Uploading correct size and type of logo but not showing up when blocked page info appears. I can see image/logo in edit mode on GUI. 

Any suggestions are welcome.

New Contributor

Hi folks, I had the same problem with the pictures (on Edge and Chrome). I saw this already and also use our CA etc... But id did not help.

But I found also another way which maybe help others.


I've simply converted our logo.png file to Base64 code. You can use e.g. the online converter:


And then, add it to the HTML body of your replacement pages.

For sure change the image size (width and height) and put your encoded picture code into the example link.



<img width="500" height="150" alt="logo" src="data&colon;image/png;base64,HEREisTHEencodedPicture>



With that change, I can see the picture on all current browser's without any problems.


Hope this helps other Fortigater's :)

Cheers Cabl3s




New Contributor


could you be more precise where did you paste the code and what did you change?


This is my config:

.logo {
background: url(%%IMAGE:logo%%) no-repeat center;
height: 267px;
object-fit: contain;


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