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New Contributor II

Fortigate 90G and 7.4.1

I've just bought a one of Fortigate's latest devices (90G) for the advanced IoT capability to find out that they don't support any of the newest firmware on there latest devices - mad........

So I've been basically ripped off - as they can't even tell me if and when 7.4 will be available on this device - The data sheet says that you need 7.4.1 but omits to tell you that they don't actually have 7.4.1


Absolutely apauling and support have just been as bad - just saying we can't help - we don't offer latest firmware on new devices.


So I have a nice ornament as box is useless to me without the capability - Really really poor Fortinet!

New Contributor

I find it unbelievable, I pay for licenses including software and then there is no main brand software available for the model.

7.4.x is beta, so it's still ok, but 7.2.x is mature.


New firewall with old firmware although you pay for software with a license.


The Time for all services for new firewalls should run from the time there is main brand firmware for them!

New Contributor

Elon Musk said it'll be "two weeks".

New Contributor

Another sad 90G owner here who just discovered his shiny new 90G doesn't support 7.4 firmware. Like the OP I also needed the features in the 7.4 firmware. It would be nice if Fortinet could speed up the process. It's Q2 '24 now and I'm still stuck on 7.0.15... 

New Contributor

That is incredibly frustrating. It's disappointing when the firmware you need isn't available, especially after investing in a new device. Have you reached out to What county Fortigate's support to see if there's any timeline for 7.4 availability on the 90G?

No, but according to previous posts in Q2 OS 7.2.x and then in Q3 7.4.x

Yes, really annoying, especially if you come from an FGT70F and know all the features of 7.4.
If you use IPv6 and policies that contain both IP versions, not so great. Internet services are also very limited in 7.0


Agreed i was expecting it released allot sooner like end of february (7.2)

But what i'm curious about is 7.6 already available for the SP5 socket models?

New Contributor

When will 7.6 be released?


Hey PC0212,

7.6.0 has no fixed release date as yet, but from what I can see internally it should be released sometime this summer (end of June to middle of July would be my educated guess, but I have been incorrect on guesses before!)

@Marvhi, 7.6 is not available at all yet, to my understanding.



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