FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 308448
Description This article describes how to change the hardware ID on a license to match the supervisor's UUID.
Scope FortiSIEM Supervisor.
  1. Connect to the supervisor via SSH. Execute the following command as root.


cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]


  1. Navigate to the support site and login.

  2. Once in the Dashboard, select Total Products under 'PRODUCTS OVERVIEW'. From there, select the serial number entry belonging to the FortiSIEM supervisor.




  1. In the 'PRODUCT INFORMATION' panel, select the pencil icon. Enter the hardware ID obtained in step 1 (all uppercase required).

  2. After updating, the new license can be downloaded from 'LICENSE & KEY'.

  3. Login to the supervisor's WebUI as an admin, navigate to ADMIN -> License and select the 'Upload' button found on the top right. Select the newly downloaded license and re-enter the admin credentials.

If the WebUI shows a hardware ID different than the one found in step 1, the PSQL table 'ph_sys_conf' needs to be updated to match the file:


psql -d phoenixdb -U phoenix -c "select property,value from ph_sys_conf where property='hardware_id'"
psql -d phoenixdb -U phoenix -c "update ph_sys_conf set value='UUID: <uuid from step 1>' where property='hardware_id'"
