This article provides a workaround for the situation where the AntiSpam license displays 'Trial (Expires unlimited)' on the dashboard. It should be noted that the AntiSpam rating still works when this message is seen.
diagnose debug rating
System Time: 2014-03-25 10:04:37 CET (Uptime: 0d 16h 57m)
License : Trial
Expiration : N/A
Hostname : N/A (Server Override Enabled)
In the GUI, go to System -> FortiGuard -> Antispam, change the 'FortiGuard server port' and apply. Wait a while, change it back to the original value and apply again.
In CLI, run the command:
diagnose test application urlfilter 15
Ensure that the traffic on the selected port (53/udp, 8888/udp or 8889/udp) is not blocked on the network and that the FortiMail is receiving replies from FortiGuard servers.