FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 193793



This article explains how to use the free trial FortiToken Mobile (Mobile Token) in high availability (HA) mode.




FortiToken Mobile, FortiGate.


In every FortiGate (and FortiAuthenticator) unit, there are 2 free FortiToken Mobiles (Mobile Tokens) for each FortiGate unit under User & Device -> FortiTokens.
These come with an FTMTRIAL license, and they function in the same way as a regular FortiToken Mobile (a real license comes with an EFTM-number).

Confirm this with the following CLI commands:


show user fortitoken

config user fortitoken
    edit "FTKMOB595D959595"
        set license "FTMTRIAL95959595"
    edit "FTKMOB45C454D45B"
        set license "FTMTRIAL45454545"


FortiGate in HA:

When there are 2 FortiGates paired in HA, there are 2 free Mobile Tokens in the master unit and 2 free Mobile Tokens in the slave unit.

However, using the 2 free FortiToken Mobile (Mobile Tokens) in an HA pair is impossible, which is the expected behavior.
Trial FortiToken Mobiles are tied to a specific unit through FortiGuard. They cannot be synchronized across the units. For the same reason, they cannot be moved to another unit in the event of a hardware change. The other unit already has its own token TRIAL license assigned.