FortiEDR automates the protection against advanced threats, pre and post-execution, with real time orchestrated incident response functionality.
Article Id 277537
Description This article describes installing FortiEDR on Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and bypassing KB2921916 requirement
Scope Specific for OS version: Windows 7 & Windows 2008 R2 SP1.


Please note that this method will prevent automatic collector upgrades for this machine.
For future upgrades, you'll need to generate a new MSI installer with a recent collector version and repeat the below steps.


To install the Collector, follow these steps:

1.Open CMD as an administrator.
2.Navigate to the directory where the installer is located or ensure the full path to the installer is used in the command.
3.Execute the following command:

msiexec /i [YourInstallerFileName].msi /l*vx log.txt SETUPAPIHASSHA2SUPPORT=1


Replace [YourInstallerFileName].msi with the actual name of your package file. For example, if your installer is on the desktop and named FortiEDRCollectorInstaller64_4.1.0.491.msi, your path would be C:\Users\Username\Desktop\FortiEDRCollectorInstaller64_4.1.0.491.msi.


If you encounter any issues during the installation, kindly open a new technical support ticket and attach the log.txt for further assistance.
