Welcome to FortiCare Service Development

Fortinet’s goal is to have services that match the needs of the customer and help them be successful with the products they purchase. The community has a wealth of experience and this sub community aims to channel that experience through feedback and discussion into some actionable ideas that can be considered when improving the portfolio of FortiCare Services in future. Please take time to review discussions, give kudos (thumbs up) to a good idea and respond to the occasional survey that may be posted. The more kudos it receives the more important it is to be considered with periodic reviews being performed to assess which ideas to take forward. Join us in being part of the future and register your idea as a discussion topic.

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FortiCare Services cover support and professional services therefore please keep your contribution relevant and constructive.

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FortiCare Service Development Announcements

FortiCare Services cover support and professional services therefore please keep your contribution relevant and constructive. Any individual issue or complaint is not going to be responded to in this community and will be removed. As a reminder any engagement within this sub group must comply with the broader community guidelines

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FortiCare Service Development

FortiCare Service Development

Fortinet’s goal is to have services that match the needs of the customer and help them be successful with the products they purchase. The community has a wealth of experience and this sub community aims to channel that experience through feedback and discussion into some actionable ideas that can be considered when improving the portfolio of FortiCare Services in future. Please take time to review discussions, give kudos (thumbs up) to a good idea and respond to the occasional survey that may be posted. The more kudos it receives the more important it is to be considered with periodic reviews being performed to assess which ideas to take forward. Join us in being part of the future and register your idea as a discussion topic.
1 member
Open group
Created 09-17-2024
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