Customer Service
Customer Service Information and Announcements
Article Id 193492


The Advanced Services Requests feature is available on the Fortinet Support Portal for all customers with an active Advanced Support service contract (Core, Pro, Pro Global, Pro Plus & Pro Plus Global, as well as those legacy AS services of Enterprise Premium, Enterprise Business, Enterprise First/Global First, Service Providers Select or Service Providers Elite/Global Elite).

    This resource allows a user to request different service activities in exchange for redeeming their Service Points. The number of Service Points allocated depends on the service option selected.

    Customers can choose from the following service options to match their business needs:

  •         On-site Business Day Visit – 1 Day: attendance at the customer location by an Advanced Support services engineer for meetings or operational activities during a business day – four (4) service points per business day.
  •         Remote after-hours assistance: remote assistance during a customer maintenance window by designated Advanced Support services engineer – one (1) service point per four hours
  •         Software Upgrade Recommendation (with Bug Scrub): perform an assessment of a target Fortinet software release against the Customer’s communicated technical environment for the purpose of addressing known bug-related issues – six (6) service points.
  •         Software Upgrade Testing: the testing of a target Fortinet software release against the Customer’s communicated configuration within laboratory conditions; and the provision of a test report on the outcome – three (3) service points per appliance.
  •         Software Best practice report: a document outlining the best practice for the implementation of a specific feature - four (4) service points
  •          Knowledge Transfer - Webinar: consists of a ‘show and tell’ session where one (1) feature is explained and described based on customer’s configuration, supplemented with best practice troubleshooting steps for commonly seen issues, five (5) service points.
  •           Knowledge Transfer - Workshop: provides custom troubleshooting training with remote hands-on troubleshooting, based on three relevant product features or use case provided by the customer, ten (10) service points.
  •           Configuration Hardening Check: provides a point-in-time snapshot of customer FortiGate configurations deployed on the customer network in a detailed report on how to harden and improve the security of their FortiGate devices, five (5) service points.
  •           Device Performance Health Check: provides the customer with a point-in-time snapshot of a standalone FortiGate or a cluster of FortiGate devices based on data gathered from a non-intrusive monitoring script. The report includes key FortiGate statistics and recommendations to optimize utilization, ten (10) service points.
  •          Lifecycle Audit Report: This service provides the customer with a lifecycle audit report detailing the products deployed (FortiGate, FortiManager & FortiAnalyzer) within the customer environment and their hardware and software lifecycle status, bug tracking summary, FortiGate feature usage and gap analysis as well as a summary of current and future state recommendations, ten (10) service points.
  •           Customer Readiness Testing: focused on testing specific customer scenarios and deployments utilizing Fortinet products under specific customer configuration and loading conditions in a lab environment, twenty (20) service points.
  •         FortiGuard Malware Analysis: an in-depth threat analysis by FortiGuard™ Labs of a Malware sample submitted by the customer.  The depth of research will be determined by the option selected (‘Standard’ or ‘Expert’).  Four points per malware sample (Standard Report) or eight points (Expert Report).




Support Portal.



To exchange Service points against one of those activities, it is required to submit a Service Request (SR) through the AS Portal.
This can be done through the 'Support' - > 'Create a Ticket' path, or by going to 'Support' - > 'Advanced Service Requests' - > 'Request a Service'.
Point Usage

This view represents a list of the Service Requests which have been opened. A Service Request can have the following status:

  • Pending: this is the default status after a Service Request has been submitted.

  • Approved : when customer and Fortinet have agreed on the scope to deliver and the total number of points to allocate to the Service Request

  • Cancelled: If the service cannot be delivered for any reason. No point will be consumed.

  • Completed: The service has been delivered and customer agrees to close the Service Request.

These different status are automatically updated by users Fortinet Service contact.

Each Service Request indicates:

  • The FortiCare Ticket number associated with the Service Request

  • The Service Type (On-site visit, remote hour assistance etc…)

  • The Subject that has been given during the SR creation

  • The Status as explained above

  • The Request Date

  • The Close Date

  • The Points consumed for this activity

It is possible to select each Service Request to see the details and the comments history.
Registered Points

This additional view represents the different contracts registered and the number of points associated. The entitlement period of the points corresponds to the contract period which means any unused points will forfeit on the contract expiry date. In case of multiple active contracts the points are consumed based on a “first in first out” rule to ensure the ones expiring first are used up.
Each entry indicates:

  • The Product SN is a Serial number at the account level

  • The Contract No is a unique number linked to the contract

  • The SKU is a reference to the Service type

  • The Activation Date is the registration date of the contract

  • The Expiration Date is the end date of the contract

  • The Total Points correspond to the number of points allocated for this contract

  • The Balance is the number of remaining points for this contract. This number is updated each time a Service Request is moved to “Completed”.

Balance of Service Points

On the right side of the banner the balance of points displays the number of total available points. This number corresponds to the sum of the different Advanced Services contracts. If there is more than one active contract with different expiration dates, the balance will display the total available points at current time. When a new Service Request is submitted, the points are instantly blocked and the balance is adjusted. The blocked points will be deducted from the active contract at the time the Service Request is completed.  Note that if the SR is “Cancelled” the points are also instantly released.
Export function

It is possible to extract the data in a file (xls or csv) with the Export button on the top left corner of the main page. Both sections (Point Usage and Registered points) can be exported in a single file.
Request a Service

On the top right corner the 'Request a Service' button will allow users to select and complete an 'Advanced Service Request'.

Each Request can be exchanged against a pre-defined number of points, as indicated in the 'Billing method' column. Once the SR is submitted these points are deducted from the balance of points. From this time a Fortinet Service representative will contact the user to confirm the scope and adjust the number of points accordingly if necessary. The SR will be moved to 'Approved' until the task is delivered. Note that a task cannot be selected if there is not enough point in the balance.